How to Create Content that Gets Shared or Stolen

Great artists steal.

If you’re going to spend time writing content (which you should be) you should be focused on creating content that gets shared or stolen. After all, the more shares and links your articles or blogs produce the more authority you’ll gain, and the higher you’ll rank in search. When people steal from you that is good too. Look at the bright side-it means they took a risk on something valuable you had. Sneaky huh?

Lets face it, it’s not always easy to come up with unique and shareable topics. Even the most creative will fall into the inevitable “writer’s block.” Gaining inspiration for your next idea can be slow-going. I’m a firm believer that a good artist copies and a great artist steals. So here’s a list of selected tips I’ve swiped from columnist Tom Demers, after reading his similar Marketing Land article.(Hey, even I run out of ideas every now and then.) Here we go:

1. What Do You Do Better Than Everyone Else? Now is your time to shine. Chances are you have many interests and unique ideas and you might even be a Jack or Jill of all trades. But here’s a secret…you do something better than your competition. So write about it!

2. What Makes You Money? Being good or excellent at your craft doesn’t mean much if you can’t turn a profit. What do you do that earns your business money? People never tire of learning new ways to produce income. Share your tips with likeminded readers, and they’ll continue to share for theirs.

3. What Have You Learned? Experience is the best teacher. You have to have something that you’ve been taught along the way. Even your failures can inspire others on their journey to success and personal growth. Be transparent and honest and share your best and worst lessons with your readers.

4. What Do People Ask?  Perhaps you just had a business meeting and were slammed with a few questions from your team. Some you answered without any hesitation, while others might have had you scratching your head. These questions are exactly what your reader might be pondering. How can we improve search engine ranking? What is Local SEO? And of course, what content topics will provide the most shares and links?

There is no such thing as a silly question. Instead of waiting for it, create blog posts that provide answers before they are asked. Go ahead and steal this idea. It works. (And while you’re at it, be sure to link back to us!)