Google Search Update- Is Your Site Mobile Friendly?

How to rank higher in Google Searcg

On April 21, 2015 Google will be doing another search algorithm update. This means your website needs to be mobile-friendly or you might get dinged in search results. The new update will be tagging and labeling all of those friendly sites so they will appear higher in rank.

Is your site up to par as we prepare for Googlegeddon, or will it be destroyed by its mobile-friendly competition?

According to Zineb Ait Bahajji, a member of Google’s Webmaster Trends team, “The new mobile-friendly algorithm change will have more of an impact on search rankings than either Panda or Penguin.” Yikes!

To ensure your site is optimized for search and for the best user experience a web responsive design is necessary. A responsive web design means that no matter the user’s device, information will adjust accordingly to their screen size. This makes for happy users, increased click-throughs, and a higher Google search ranking.

You can check the friendliness of your website now by using Google’s free Webmaster tool. If you spot a glitch, contact gotcha! Mobile Solutions so that we can make sure you aren’t affected by the new Google algorithm update.

Knowledge is power.