QR Codes in the Hospitality Industry

While QR code technology is certainly useful in and of itself, it also has great use when put to work in specific industries. This is especially true of specialty QR code – codes that can be programmed to do very specific things to fulfill very specific purposes. One such industry that can become more efficient from QR codes is the hospitality industry.

The hospitality industry can greatly benefit from the use of QR codes placed throughout the hotel. Codes could, perhaps, be in hotel suites, allowing guests to simply scan a code if they needed room service. Not only could this technology be used to order room service, it could also be used to get a menu emailed right to your guest’s phone.

QR codes can also be used to attract guests to your hotel. You can do this with simple QR codes that bring the potential guest to your website upon scanning the code, or you can be even more innovated – perhaps a Tag2video code that enables them to get a virtual tool of one of your suites sent right to their phone.

There are many different ways in which QR codes can be used in the hospitality industry. It just takes a little bit of creativity to discover the many uses and functions of this highly-effective technology.