Here at gotcha! our team has been hard at work setting up clients with our gotchaLOCALseo™ program. It been a great success for everyone involved. And while we aren’t above a little bragging every now and then, the reason our clients have such success isn’t because of us.
Yes, you read that right. Their success is because of our program, sure. But the real issue is that the underlying need for local seo is so great. It’s an area that almost every local business has neglected entirely.
We have an analysis tool used to assess potential client’s local search presence. To date, we have seen a grand total of 3 companies with a well optimized local presence. This is out of thousands of companies we’ve analyzed.
So when companies sign on with gotchaLOCALseo™ they often experience great results right out of the gate, because Google has been wanting to rank them better, but they haven’t given search engines the opportunity to do so.
Don’t be the company that underperforms in local search and loses out on customers. It’s not worth it. Find a reputable company that handles local SEO and start seeing what a difference it can make.