Custom QR: QR Technology Gets a Makeover

QR technology is quickly taking over. While the technology is actually quite old, dating from 1994, it really didn’t take off until recent years. As the ubiquity of QR codes increases, one thing is becoming painfully obvious: QR codes can be boring.

If you’re involved in the marketing industry, you probably agree with me. You’ve seen hundreds, perhaps thousands of QR  codes that all look alike. You see the same old square, black and white, 2-dimensional codes. While this may have excited you two years ago, the honeymoon phase is over – you want something more from QR.

Luckily, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are now graphic designers creating custom-made QR codes. These codes are now anything but boring. In fact, they are both a marketing tool, and a work of art.

Custom QR codes are able to contain different colors, different background imagery, and even a company’s logo. These codes can look truly magnificent, and can really be eye-catching. We’ve now gotten to the place where we can adequately blend QR technology with aesthetic appeal. There is therefore no excuse to not take advantage of this intriguing advancement.

Consider contacting a mobile solutions company today to find out how you can have a custom-made QR code created for your business. You may be surprised at what they are able to provide you with.