The following 10 SEO copywriting tips will drive traffic to your website and make your posts unstoppable. Understanding not just copywriting but also how to effectively implement SEO are both KEY in making your website content compelling. Here’s a few secrets you need to know:
1. Brand Yourself- First and foremost before you go any further, one of the best SEO copywriting tips is to learn how to brand yourself and also develop your own keywords and techniques. You want to be the biggest fish in a small pond so that when certain terms are searched, or even your brand name, you appear at the number one spot on Google.
2. Read Forums: If you’re trying to target your audience you need to know what they want answers to. By reading related forums and blogs you’ll see underlying and specific phrases many frustrated users keep wanting to address. These might be long-tail phrases and that’s OK because they keep getting searched! Take for example your web site is about low carb eating or nutritional supplements. If you Google low carb eating and look at public forums and threads you might begin to see repeated phrases such as “not losing weight on low carb diet.” Bingo. That’s your title, that’s your keyphrase, and that’s exactly what you write about, since users will likely be seeking this term in search bars, and you’ll get the lion’s share of their hits.
3. Create a Call to Action: Creating a call to action with maximize your post’s exposure. Simple requests such as “Retweet here” or “Share with a Friend” close your article with a strategy that many people will engage in. It may seem simple, but it works.
4. Agree, Promise, and Preview- Have you ever spent time on a website and after scrolling through a few paragraphs you realize nothing provided any value? It’s because the writer failed to promise what he’d do. Once your reader lands on your page it’s up to you to agree with their problem, promise to address it, and then preview your article before you hit publish. Did you do what you said you’d do? Google favors websites that provide quality and relevant content. So make sure you deliver.
5. Create Viral Blog Titles: There’s a reason people love websites such as BuzzFeed and ViralNova. The content is compelling, quirky, and off the wall. While you don’t have to write about the 300 pound fish that just got pulled in from the river, you can create off-the-wall blog titles that beg for clicks. Brian Dean from Backlinko suggests you consider:
- 25 ___ That Will Change The Way You ___
- I Tried ___. And Even I Was Surprised About What Happened Next
- This ___ Makes ___ 10x Better
- Here Are 11 ___ That ____. And They’re Backed By Science
- Use These 20 Simple Hacks For More ____. #5 Is Awesome
- When You Learn About ___ You’ll Never ____ Again
An online title generator tool will help you write these bizarre and different blog titles.
If you’re already a superstar blogger, these 5 SEO copywriting secrets will drive massive traffic to your website, and when you learn and implement these secrets about content marketing, you’ll never write a boring headline again.