Why have QR Codes on your Website?

It may seem silly to put QR codes on your Facebook, blog post or Twitter account. People will tell you that you are already online on a desktop, so why the need to put those QR codes on?

But here are good reasons to have them on your page.

  • Making it easier to share– for example, when you posted an article and some professor in a university read it, shared it to his class by printing it, having your QR code on the printed material, sharing it with the students making your blog site accessible to those students who’ll get to read the printed material.
  • Making it easier for people to get mobile– Have you ever had one of those moments when you hit a pretty interesting article and you only need to work quickly? Or maybe you found an interesting site that you want to see on a business trip? Or how about for too long blog posts very interesting topic that you think might be worth reading in the coffee shop waiting for a friend?

These are just some examples of when you will appreciate having a QR code on the site you visit. You do not have to press a lot of character in your smartphone, and finish with something wrong. All you have to do is break the QR code and bookmark this page for later playback.

With more people always on-the-go, it makes sense to make it easier for them to take your content and make it available to them while they are away from home. QR codes are free to create and easy to share and show, what prevents you from adding value and convenience to your pages?