Our CEO in PPAI’s PPB Magazine

Our very own Chris Jenkin has been featured in the December edition of the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) PPB Magazine.

Chris, the CEO of Gotcha! Mobile Solutions arrived at the association’s headquarters on October 21, 2011. Chris spoke about the most prominent trends in the mobile sector, with an emphasis on the latest and greatest mobile marketing techniques. Chris expounded on the dire importance of mobile advertising in general, and also explained the marketing benefits of QR codes, mobile messaging, loyalty programs, mobile-friendly websites and smartphone apps. Chris also gave everyone a brief glimpse into the future, by discussing the brand new advancements in mobile technology, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Near Field Communications (NFC).

The catalog entry contained an explanation of Chris’ excursion to the association’s headquarters, as well as a photograph featuring Chris amongst various prominent PPAI Integrated Media staff members.