Karen Jacobowitz

Karen is strong in body and spirit. She gives everything in life her absolute all. This was true with her battle with cancer, as well as her career. With a positive attitude, miracles can happen. We had the opportunity to sit down with Karen for a quick Q&A session.


Gotcha!: How long have you been in the promotional products industry?

Karen: I have been in the promotional product industry for 12 years.

Gotcha!What is your favourite thing about our industry?

Karen: My favourite thing is my customers, love dealing with marketing people.   Also being able to make recommendations to customers that will help them grow their business and be more effective.

Gotcha!What would you attribute to your success?

Karen: Hard work, and perseverance.  You must never give up and always keep a positive attitude.   I’m open minded and love to learn everything that my suppliers will teach me so I can be a respected and be a valued resource to my customers.

Gotcha!What do you like most about Gotcha?

Karen: I love the excitement of Gotcha! and what they can do for my customers.  They are innovators and I want to be at the for front with them bringing cool new stuff to my customers. I sell more promo items because I engage my clients at a different level.

Gotcha!If you were a Star Wars character, which one would it be?

Karen: I would be Luke Skywalker because he saves the day!

Gotcha!What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

Karen: Energy drinks, fruit and vegetables.

Gotcha!How would you explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew?

Karen: A database is a way to organize your information in your computer. Like your dresser it has drawers and holds your cloths. One for pants and one for shirts. A database works the same way.

Gotcha!If aliens landed in front of you and offered you any position on their planet, what position would you want?

Answer: I would want to be the commander.

Gotcha!: Outside of work, what is most important to you?

Answer: My friends and family. They make me strong.