How to Write Easy to Digest Web Content

web content

Is your web content easy to digest? So much more than a blog or an About Us page, web content is what drives people to your site and hooks them.

After you’ve launched a new website you’re probably wondering what to do with it. You’ve watched it grow from the beginning stages and perhaps submitted your own copy or hired a professional copyrighter to convert your visitors into sales. Now that your website is up and nothing is happening you really have no choice but to sit back and analyze a few basic things in your marketing. One of these being your web content.

Writing web content sounds easy enough, just like writing a children’s book sounds easy to the aspiring writer. Did you know writing children’s literature is much more difficult than writing for an adult audience? The reason being every word has to count. If you say too much you go over submission guidelines. If you say too little, you don’t have a children’s book. And the fact is, kids deserve something that holds their attention. Just try and read a novel to your children at bedtime and if they fall asleep, well then…

To captivate your visitors you need to craft unique and original web content that interests and encourages people to linger. Here’s a few content writing basics that will help make your words easier to digest so that your audience is inspired to take a little action.

1. Research- When you’re designing your website you need to keep your visitor’s interest in mind, all the time. Think like them, act like them, and type searches into your engines to see what sort of content comes up. Visit your top competitor sites and read their popular blogs and landing pages.

Unless you’ve hired professionals to do all the legwork (here we are!) you need to come up with relevant search terms and keywords that make sense, and then streamline as much as possible to really highlight these areas of interest throughout your web copy.

2. Be concise- Once you find inspiration for your web content and blogs you need to be concise and put those thoughts to your writing without all the fluff and stuff.

Web writing is more simplistic than any other form. Shorter sentences, bullet points, and clear directive statements are much more powerful than parapgraphs filled with industry terms or jargon that might turn off your readers.

3. Stop making people think- People want you to help them make decisions. Why am I here? Why do I need this? What will it do? How can I get it?  Your web content needs to answer basic questions and not confuse your reader.

Whether it’s your headlines, landing page, content, or blog, if your web content isn’t appealing or discoverable through search engine results you are doing a huge disservice to your brand and voice.

Understanding how to write web content that’s easy to digest is key in connecting to today’s mission-driven audience. (There they go!)

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