How to Be a Social Media Champ

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Are you curious how how to be a social media champ?

What are you selling on your social media pages?

If you’re pitching your brand, asking for buyers, or soliciting services, you’re likely turning off your readers in the process.

Successful social media champs know that self-promotion can be the kiss of death. Your audience expects and demands more, so don’t sell them short. Do you know how to give your visitors more than they asked for? Step in the ring fearlessly with the following social media tips.

1. Share Useful information- Let’s say you own a hair salon. If your regular social media posts read something like- “Come in today! We have tons of openings. Please book an appointment by clicking below.” You’ll likely have people clicking their keyboard’s back arrow, right off your page.

Desperate times call for desperate measures as we all know, however, publicly is not the time nor the place to behave desperately. In order to appear valuable and in demand you must become an authority in your niche. Posts such as: Hair Color Trends, Top Styles for Prom, and Why People Color Their Hair Purple, are much more likely to garner reader interest, repeat site visits, and eventually- a responsive call to action.

2. Rock the Boat- Dare to be different. Are you tired of the seeing the same things posted over and over again in your newsfeeds? Of course you are. It takes a little bit of genius to breathe new life into social media posts. If everyone is sharing inspirational quotes, go ahead and pin something comedic. Go against the grain of your competitors and you will stand out. Eventually, even your worst critics will become your fans. Why? Because they too, are bored. The Internet needs more free-thinkers. If you can’t find one, be one. (Quirky, creative and out of the box thinkers, now is your chance to shine!)

3. Be Yourself- While you might be an expert in your field and your knowledge is immeasurably valuable, people do not want to read your technical writings and rants. The average “reader” is on the Internet and perhaps your page for entertainment or research purposes only. Write like you speak, keep your sentences brief, and be human. Social media posts and shares should never be formatted like instructional manuals. (Because let’s face it, no one really reads those.)

4. Be Consistently Good. You don’t have to be perfect. Nobody is. But you do have to be consistently good. Your audience will forgive small errs in judgment. They will not forgive mediocrity. When you realize you made a major mistake, it’s time to step back, evaluate, and take a breather before you post again. After all, it’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up. Rise to stardom and own your Internet fame. Always remember, the expert in anything was once a beginner.