The Holidays are right around the corner and most everyone is in a festive mood. We can already hear the music, feel the weather changing, smell the aroma of wonderful foods, see the smiles in everyone’s eyes.
Not only is this the season to be jolly, but it is also the time of year where consumer interaction is at an all-time high. People spend more money during this time (over $600 billion!).
So how do your clients businesses bring in the dough?
Do they thank their loyal customers for being so great and gently remind them that they have products for sales? Do they engage them through social media, email, their websites and traditional advertising?
The truth of the matter is that many do, and many more do not. This means OPPORTUNITY is calling and you have the opportunity to bring to your clients solutions to ensure that they are top of mind this holiday season.
Whether it’s a simple “Thank you!” or an offer of a discount, it’s not too late to act.
As you know gotcha! is an innovator of digital interaction and we have many out-of-the-box solutions that can be up and running in an instant. We stand behind our slogan “Attract Interact Capture” and have the products to prove it. Here are a couple of ideas:
Still our best kept secret is our gotchaApps™. These web apps are ready to go solutions that your clients can take advantage of immediately. We have contests and games like Tag2spin™ , our digital prize wheel. We have Tag2scavenger™, Tag2bFirst™, Tag2video™, Tag2greet™ and many, many more.
Facebook Integration. With over 165 million U.S. users of Facebook and 11 million business pages, this powerful social media tool should not be overlooked. Gotcha! can not only help brands by managing their social presence, we can also help them engage through highly interactive Facebook Apps.
SMS Messaging: Still the workhorse in mobile, SMS messaging is by far the best way to connect and interact with consumers and users of a product or service. Your clients will collect the cell phone number of those engaging with their campaigns allowing instant access to them through the most coveted device they own, their mobile phone.
Mobile Websites. If your clients do not have a mobile website, they are moving backwards. By 2014, more people will use their cell phones to engage and interact on the internet than through desktop computers. If your clients are not there when these consumers are looking, they will simply not exist.
gotcha! has over 20 product categories to help your clients sell more of their products and services. The holidays are crucial for many of them. Contact us now to find out how we can help you make a difference this holiday season.