Is it fine time you fired your web development company? Sure nobody likes to be the bad guy (but somebody has to). Especially if the web development company you entrusted with your website is guilty of this:
They Don’t Know Jack
The world of web development is vast and technical, so don’t let your web development company get too savvy on you. There are some basic things you should already understand about search engine optimization. And your web developer, well, he should be a guru! Your site needs to be built with an SEO blueprint fully in play prior to the design and development of your site pages. If your web developer argues SEO, appears to know nothing about it, or proceeds to explain the lack of importance, he should be banned from the digital marketing world, like forever.
Leave a Message at the Beep
If your web development company is busy dodging your calls that could mean two things:
1. She’s super-busy creating kick-ass sites (and yours is on the production line!)
2. The work load is kicking her ass and she can’t keep up.
Either way the communication lines should always be open. If you are getting an unresponsive signal from your web developer, pull the plug.
Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter
Yes everybody has an opinion. Including you. That does not mean your opinion will always be right. If fact it might be wrong quite a bit of the time when it comes to a successful web development plan. While you might know a little (OK, a lot) unless you are a web developer, it’s best to let the company do it’s job until the preliminary ribbon-cutting. If, AFTER that you still feel you can’t get a word in edgewise, you might need to fire your website developer.
You’re Not a Priority
Whenever you begin the web development process you should be provided a clear and detailed timeframe of how long things might take from beginning to end. Now, this does not excuse you from blame if hold-ups take part on your behalf. Pay the web development invoices in a timely manner, submit requested web content quickly, and make it a point to meet with your developer as often as necessary to ensure everybody is on the same page. Otherwise you might end up on the back burner. Ouch.
Your Site Looks Awful
If your site looks plain awful to the point you find yourself shaking your head, covering your eyes, and perhaps ready to cry- you need to fire your web developer. Is there text where images should be? No call to action on your landing page? Images not up to scale? Do yourself a favor and just call the whole thing off.
There’s a better web developer out there. Contact gotcha! Mobile Solutions in Dallas for all of your web development, social media management, and digital app needs. You can check out our portfolio on Pinterest right here.